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Code of Conduct


  • The members of the Management Committee shall act according to the By-Law of the Sourashtra College Management Council.
  • They shall discharge their duties and responsibilities as per the norms of the By-Law.


    The principal shall function according to the rules and norms of the Government, Affiliated University and University Grants Commission.

    Teaching Staff

  • Teachers should be compassionate, fair, and dedicated to the students' best interests, striving to motivate, inspire, and celebrate their efforts and successes.
  • They should recognize and respect the individuality and unique needs of students, promoting their holistic development.
  • Teachers should act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.
  • They should avoid conflicts between their professional responsibilities and personal interests that could negatively impact students.
  • Teachers should uphold the profession's reputation and standing.
  • They should take all necessary steps to ensure the safety and welfare of students under their supervision.
  • Teachers should communicate effectively with students, colleagues, parents, management, and others within the campus in a professional, collaborative, and supportive manner, based on trust and respect.
  • They should maintain high standards of practice in student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting, and providing feedback.
  • Teachers should follow the norms and code of conduct prescribed by the State Government of Tamil Nadu, the Affiliated University, and the University Grants Commission.
  • They should always act in the best interest of students.

    Non- Teaching Staff

  • Office bearers should welcome and support students, staff members, and others within the campus and office.
  • They should be open and unbiased, providing any required information promptly to students, staff members, and others.
  • They should be friendly and courteous to students, staff members, and colleagues.
  • Non-teaching staff should be punctual and maintain registers and records properly.
  • They must maintain strict confidentiality on sensitive institutional matters.
  • Staff should obtain prior permission from the Head of the Institution before leaving the campus for other office premises
  • They should avoid deriving any personal gain from confidential information acquired during their duties.
  • Non-teaching staff should perform their duties sincerely and with full commitment to the institution's welfare.
  • They should adhere to a proper dress code and use polite, appropriate language within the college premises
  • Staff should refrain from any actions or speech that could undermine the secularism of the nation and state.



  • Students must always wear their identity cards while inside the college campus.
  • Students must arrive to classes on time; latecomers will be marked absent but may be allowed to attend with the HOD's permission.
  • Students should refrain from making noise when leaving the classrooms.
  • Each day begins with a prayer session in the first hour.
  • Students are expected to show respect to teachers upon entering the classroom.
  • Loitering and making noise in the corridors during class hours is prohibited.
  • Order must be maintained in the classrooms even in the teacher’s absence.
  • Severe consequences will be imposed on students who damage college property; handle electrical fittings, laboratory equipment, computers, library books, and other college property with care.
  • Visitors (friends or family members) are not allowed to meet students during class hours without the HOD's permission.
  • Whistling and hooting are serious offenses and must be avoided, especially during college functions.
  • Participation in social or family functions of classmates during working hours is not permitted.
  • Students may go on tours or day trips only with permission from parents, the HOD, and the Principal.
  • Students found smoking, using drugs, or consuming alcohol on campus or during functions will be expelled.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed on campus.
  • Organizing or participating in unauthorized meetings or functions related to the college within the campus is punishable.
  • Students must collect their mark sheets from the respective HOD with their parents present.
  • Students should dress modestly and decently; t-shirts and black shirts are not allowed, and neat, acceptable hairstyles must be maintained.
  • Proper attendance must be maintained by all students.


    Every student of the college shall follow the following dress code.

  • Wear modest, decent and acceptable dress.
  • Wearing T.Shirts and Black shirts are not permitted.
  • Girls are expected to wear sarees or chudithar with duppatta properly pinned.

Under the Educational Rules of the Government, the Principal has full powers to impose fine, suspend or expel the students from the college, for the violation of any one of these rules.


  • Attendance will be marked at the beginning of every hour.
  • No Student will be allowed to absent himself or herself from the 'college without submitting leave letter. Het She must apply for leave in advance, stating explicityly the reasons for his / her absence. In cases where absence is due to unforeseen circumstances, application for leave should be submitted on the first day of return to the college.
  • All leave letters should be countersigned by the parent or guardian in the case of day scholars and in the case of resident students, by the deputy warden concerned.
  • No student shall abstain himself/ herself from internal tests without the prior permission ofthe Head ofthe Department concerned.
  • Students should take tests seriously. No student will be permitted to leave the hall before 10 Minutes.
  • Each Months fine list will be put on the Office Notice Board. The fine should be paid within a fortnight
  • The name of the student who absents himself / herself without leav application for a peroid of ten days will be removed from college nominal roll
  • Attandence certificate can be held in the case of the student who fail to attend at last 75% of the lecture or practical classes in any subject during the academic year

College Timing 9.00 AM to 2.30 PM


Students are expected to behave decently in public places like bus stands, bus stops and during bus travel. Any incident detrimental to the interest of the college will be viewed seriously.

Crowding and indulging in undesirable activities near the college main entrance, causing nuisance to the public will be seriously dealt with.


The name of the student who is continuously absent for fifteen days will be removed from roll and he / she be permitted to attend the classes only after meeting the principal with parents.